WhatsApp recently announced a new feature that has long been on the list of user wishlist. This new feature allows users to cancel chat messages as soon as they are sent. In the WhatsApp notification field is mentioned the user is given seven minutes to be able to delete the chat messages that have been sent.
The good news, this feature can be used to delete chat messages either money sent to individuals or groups. Well, this time I want to share a tutorial how to delete whatsApp chat messages that have been sent.
- Open a chat chat containing the message you want to delete.
- Tap and hold the message you want to delete until a menu appears. Scroll to the menu section and tap the trash can icon.
Features announced at the end of October this yesterday is now able to be enjoyed by all users of Android, iPhone, and Windows Phone around the world.
And for those of you who want this latest feature, it is mandatory to use the latest WhatsApp version. Even so, WhatsApp party itself has not confirmed whether the removal feature will be effective to use, given the seven minutes long enough and may be the recipient has seen the message before deleted. But it does not hurt ya to try this cool feature.
That's a simple way to delete messages that have been sent in WhatsApp. So, what do you think about WhatsApp's latest feature? Come on, share your feedback through the comment field below and why. May be useful!
How to Cancel an Already Delivered Message in WhatsApp
Reviewed by Rizki Chandra Febianto
November 18, 2017