Microsoft Edge Browser For Android Translucent 1 Million Download

Talk about the most popular browser for Android devices, of course we agree if Chrome is currently the most widely used browser, followed by some other browsers such as Firefox, Opera, and others. But it seems Microsoft will soon catch up after presenting the Microsoft Edge browser for Android and iOS.

It seems that Microsoft's choice of bringing Edge browser to Android and iOS is the right choice because the browser is quite popular when it first comes to the mobile platform. According to Windows Central reports, the Edge browser on the Google Play Store has now been downloaded more than 1 million times after leaving the beta program last week. Of course this is a sign if the Edge browser works quite well on Android devices, and of course that number will increase as time passes.

In addition, given the fact that Windows is the world's most popular desktop operating system, the syncing capabilities between Edge browsers on PC and mobile will be the advantages of this browser. Microsoft does have a bad history with the Internet Explorer browser, and the Edge is intended to give a new face. With the popularity of Edge on the Android platform, of course this is a fresh breeze for Microsoft. Although the number of downloads is increasing, but the most important thing is whether Android users feel at ease using the Edge browser to replace Chrome?

Microsoft Edge Browser For Android Translucent 1 Million Download Microsoft Edge Browser For Android Translucent 1 Million Download Reviewed by Rizki Chandra Febianto on December 13, 2017 Rating: 5

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